| | | SEMrush webinar Cracking Google's Black Box: Inside Information on AdWords Quality Scores - 23 February, 2:00 PM GMT - | | | | | | Hi, It's no secret that common SEM metrics shape and inform digital marketing campaigns. In an ideal world, CTR and conversion rate will both be high, signifying that you have a quality and highly relevant landing page, copy, and targeting strategy. In the situation where you run into a low CTR and a high conversion rate, it is likely related to your ad copy not being compelling enough. It is also important to note that if your ad has a low CTR, it can lead to your ads having a low quality score, which will negatively impact your campaigns' cost effectiveness.
A low quality score impacts the placement of your ad, meaning it is shown on fewer searches or is buried under similar ads with higher Quality Scores. To handle this situation, there are three main factors that must be considered which impact quality score and the overall success of your campaign.
It may seem like quality score is quite a tricky metric; though worry not! Now you have an incredible chance to learn the Inside Information on AdWords Quality Scores from Finch UK's Trevor Forde. | | | | | Trevor Forde, 23 February, 14:00 GMT | Tune in on February 23rd at 2pm GMT (UK time) / February 23rd at 9am ET for our webinar, where Trevor will open up on this valuable measure of AdWords health. | | | | | Jump in to learn: - What is Quality Score?
- Why is Quality Score so important?
- How can you influence it?
- How can you analyze and increase your Quality Score?
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