| | What can be considered as "two extraordinary days" in the online space?
It is when digital marketing professionals from around the globe gather for the Online Marketing Rockstars Festival on 22 & 23 March 2018 in Hamburg. Get the latest marketing insights and meet the greatest stars of the digital scene in person. Use this unique chance to bring your professional network of digital marketing pros to the next level. Be inspired, updated and amazed — and get your ticket now! | | | | Here is a sneak peak of what the top speakers will cover: - Germany's best-known tech investor, Frank Thelen, will reveal "What founders expect from politics". He is a prominent angel investor in tech startups with such companies as 6Wunderkinder (sold to Microsoft), Mytaxi (purchased by Daimler) in his investment portfolio
- Aleyda Solis will share some Hardcore SEO tips for E-Commerce
- Nils Kattau will cover the latest trends in conversion rate optimization
- Naomi Makofsky, a person responsible for the development of Google Assistant, will discuss Voice and AI marketing, covering cutting-edge issues from voice control to artificial intelligence.
Expect many more exciting discussions on topics that touch upon GDPR, politics and startups by renowned speakers such as the founder of Zalando. You'll also have the opportunity to meet SEMrush in person (Elena Ostroverkhova and Kate Parieva). | | | | | See you in Hamburg, The SEMrush Team | | | | |
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