| When it comes to page load speed, slow and steady does not win the race. In fact, every millisecond counts. If you go beyond 1000 milliseconds (1 second), your users will lose focus on the task they are performing. Moreover, page load speed has officially become a ranking factor for mobile searches, and has been one for desktop for some time. | | | | Having analyzed 150 000 websites with the help of our new Performance Report, we found that 82.89% of websites have issues that slow them down. | | | | But which of those issues need some extra attention? | | | | The good news is that with due tweaking and configuration, speeding up your website is fairly simple! Use the SEMrush Website Performance Research 2018 to: - find out about the nine most common issues affecting website performance
- get recommendations on how to eliminate those issues
- prioritize the process of fixing performance-related issues on your website
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